Sunday, December 17, 2006

My cousin's husband Phil has an annual BBQ for Christmas and his birthday. Phil rang me in early December asking Perico to play this year. Every year a different band has played at the party.

The gig worked well with Perico's schedule. Tim had arrived back in the country only a few weeks before and we were in the process of reverting back to a four piece. This gig gave us the opportunity to provide "match practice" before our big gig at the brunswick the next week, as well as provide a relaxed atmosphere. Phil was also generous in paying us and providing us with food and drink - much appreciated, Phil.

The gig itself was great fun. Phil has a stage set up in his back yard, complete with PA. We were able to play 3 sets - nearly every song we knew - including some we didn't - between about 3pm and 8pm. some great response from some of the party-goers too, who were keen to see us again and have been added to our sms list.

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